
Video Demos 

Building a C-Alpha backbone using Gorgon

This is a step by step tutorial on how you can build C-Alpha backbones of proteins using Gorgon. It shows how to create geometric skeletons, find the correspondence between observed and predicted secondary structure elements and finally how to interactively create a C-Alpha backbone of the protein


Molecular Modeling Pipeline-Step 1: Visualization

This video demonstrates the first step of the de-novo molecular modeling pipeline using Gorgon where a cryo-EM density of a protein can be visualized as an iso-contour, wireframe, solid rendering or a cross-section.


Molecular Modeling Pipeline-Step 2: Skeletonization

This video demonstrates the second step of the de-novo molecular modeling pipeline using Gorgon where a geometric skeleton is created of the cryo-EM density. The geometric skeleton captures the shape and topology of the protein, and facilitates the next steps of the pipeline.


Molecular Modeling Pipeline-Step 3: Finding secondary structure elements

This video demonstrates the third step of the de-novo molecular modeling pipeline using Gorgon where Secondary structure elements (helices and sheets) are interactively created.


Molecular Modeling Pipeline-Step 4: Correspondence between SSEs

This video demonstrates the fourth step of the de-novo molecular modeling pipeline using Gorgon where a density-sequence mapping is obtained by finding the correspondence between the secondary structure elements predicted from the sequence, and observed in the density.


Molecular Modeling Pipeline-Step 5: Building a backbone

This video demonstrates the final step of the de-novo molecular modeling pipeline using Gorgon where a CAlpha backbone is created in a semi-automatic fashion.


Visualizing Volumetric Data

In this video we demonstrate how Gorgon can be used to visualize volumetric data. We demonstrate the use of iso-contours, smooth and wireframe based shading, solid rendering as well as visualizing cross sections at any arbitrary plane


Interactive Skeletonization of Volumetric Data

Here we demonstrate how Gorgon can be used to interactively create Geometric skeletons of Volumetric Data. This tool can be used to create visually accurate geometric skeletons within a few minutes.
Available via:
  Actions->Volume->Skeletonization->Interactive Skeletonization


Copyright © 2007-2010, Washington University in St. Louis, Baylor College of Medicine. All rights reserved.
Last Modified May 03, 2010. Developed and Maintained by Sasakthi Abeysinghe

Sasakthi Abeysinghe Mike Marsh Matthew Baker Wah Chiu Tao Ju